How to assign a role to a user in DeskTrack?

DeskTrack has a Multi-level hierarchy in which you can assign multiple Managers to one User. So the Mangers can check his/her Team member’s reports by login on to the DeskTrack Web Page with their DeskTrack Id and Password.

How to create a new role

  1. Open the DeskTrack panel and go to User Roles
  2. Now click on Manage Role –> Create Role
  3. Now Enter the name of that role like Manager and Click on Create (Skip this step if the role is already created)
  4. Select the reports and click on Save Permission
  5. Now go to User Roles and select the user which you want to add as a Manager and click on Assign Role
  6. Now select the Role and click on Assign Role

How to assign a role

  1. Open the DeskTrack panel and go to User List
  2. Now search the user and click on Edit
  3. Now select the role which you want to assign to the user