Accountants manage work and time for clients. Actual billable hours.


report-templatesReport templates

asset-managementFixed asset management

track-activity-userTrack activities are done by the users

client-portalsClient Portals


Monitor Work Bench Activity

  • Track the Url’s browsed and application used
  • Analyze total time spent on each application opened in the PC
  • White List the apps to record the time consumed as Productive Hours
  • View user activity, manually reconciled transactions, deleted statement lines, contacts with identical or edited bank accounts, and backdated invoices and bills

Time Sheets— Actual time spent for each client

  • Productive and Un-productive Hours
  • Automated Time Sheets
  • Whitelist Applications
  • Black List URLs
  • Total Time Consumed on each application used or URLs browsed
  • Actual Billable Hours to the Client