In DeskTrack how can we add a user under a Manager?

DeskTrack has a Multi-level hierarchy in which you can assign multiple Managers to one User. So the Mangers can check his/her Team member’s reports by login on to the DeskTrack Web Page with their DeskTrack Id and Password

How to import Manager for users

  • Open the DeskTrack panel and go to User List
  • Now click on Reporting Manager Import button

  • Fill the details in the given format and import the sheet to the web

NOTE: Make sure all the user and reporting manages are already created in the account

How to add a Manager for a user

  • Open the DeskTrack panel and go to User List
  • Search the user on which you want to assign a Manager and click on Reporting Manager option

  • Now click on Add/Update Tag for assigning the manager for the user

  • Enter the Tag of the user like @jondoe and click on Update.

  • In the User List by Clicking on Reporting Manager Option, you can also check the list of Managers assigned to that user.

How to inactive a Manager for a user

  • Login DeskTrack Admin Account and Click on User –> User List
  • Search for the user to whom you want to unassign the Manager and Click on Reporting Manager Option

  • Click on the Active button to inactive the Manager and click on OK

  • After inactive the Manager, the Reporting Manager will not able to see the report of that user.