What is DeskTasker?

DeskTrack has its project management tool in which the company can check on which project the user is spending his/her time on. This tool is very helpful to analyze how much time users have spent on any of the Projects, Modules, and Tasks.

We receive many requests from our Existing and New clients that “To get the better report we need their timesheet with respect to the time they are spending on the individual project so we come up with DeskTasker.

How DeskTasker works

To use DeskTasker Company has to allow the user to add the Project and Module for the company, once data sync on the web it will show the projects to all the users who are using the DeskTasker within the company. You can also give access to users to create their Projects and Modules.

How to enable this feature for your Company

Contact DeskTrack Support Team on Support@timentask or contact sales representation who is coordinating with you from DeskTrack Team.

How to enable the permission to create Project and Module

  • Open DeskTrack Admin Panel
  • Now Move to Users–> Tag Access Control and enable the Tag Right and Tag Panel Rights permission for the user.

  • Now install and login the app with the DeskTrack Id password
  • Once login it will show the three Option

Add Term

In this option, the user can select the Projects, Modules, and Tasks that are created already. If the users have permission then they can also add new Projects, Module, and Tasks.

Modes of DeskTasker


  • In this mode, the user has to select the Project Module and Task and click on the start button
  • Once the user’s work is complete then the user has to click on the Stop button to stop the ticker
  • Now Click on Sync so the app sync the data on the web


    • In this mode, the user has to select the Project Module and Task, and then the user has to enter the Start and End Time
    • Now Click on Sync so the app sync the data on the web

Where we can check the Project Timesheet of the users

  • Project Report: Log in to Admin account and Click on Tag Management–> Project Report. This report will show how much time users are spending on which project.

  • Manual Timesheet Report: Log in to Admin account and Click on Tag Management–> Manual Timesheet Report.