Time at work is the total time when the DeskTrack application is running on the system (whether the system is active or sleep mode or on lock)
Time at work = Desktop Time + Idle Time
Note: Time at Work is not the difference between the login and logout time.
Desktop Time is the actual time users spent on the system while working via keyboard or mouse clicks.
Idle time is calculated when the system is left idle i.e no activity is done on the system by the user. Time tracked for system sleep, lock app, TNT App pause & close is calculated into it.
What is TNT Application Close/System Event & What is TNT Application Pause
Productive Time is the actual time spent by the user on whitelisted apps. These apps are configured according to the user’s working nature.
Unproductive Time is the time spent by the user on the Blacklisted URLs and apps that are not listed in the whitelisted apps, these apps and URLs are configured according to the user’s working nature.
Extra Time When the user’s working/desktop time extends the shift time it will be calculated under it.
Extra time = Difference of In time & Out time < Desktop time
Productivity % = (Expected productive time / Actual productive time) x 100
Expected productive time is tracked in 2 ways.
Expected productive time = Difference of In time & Out time – Break Time
Simply specify hours as expected productive time