9 Best Computer Tracking Software in India for 2024

Computer Tracking Software

In the era of advanced technology, managers & owners want to get rid of manually chasing & checking employees’ progress on work. And why shouldn’t they? After all, not one, but multiple options are available for monitoring employees’ progress on work. Managerial hierarchy generally looks for employee computer monitoring software. Though options are so many around, but which one to choose is a task.

On that note, let’s make this task easier for you. Let’s dive into various & learn about the best & free computer monitoring software.

What is Computer Tracking Software?

Employee computer monitoring software refers to a solution meant to track an employee’s day-to-day activity on his device. The basic purpose is to keep a check on the productivity delivered by him. In general, it is designed in a way that it keeps track of active time spent on work, usage of apps/websites, login/logout time, generating productivity reports, etc.

Besides, its other important purpose is to check data theft & violation of company compliance policy.

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But, What is the Need for Employee Tracking Software?

To handle a virtual team is a separate task on its own. Therefore, to ensure regular productivity out of your remote team, a management or a system is required. Such management is more or less obtained through best employee tracking software. Features like login/logout timing, automated attendance management, generation of productivity report, track of active & idle time, etc. solve the purpose of remote team management, without compromising on productivity.

Besides, adding an extra layer of security to data is an uncalled task to be managed. There is a likely chance of your team using personal internet connection, hence becoming vulnerable to data hacking. Employee monitoring software can capture & download the screenshots of apps, websites or URLs accessed during the course of work. This notifies the team manager or the relevant supervisor if any phishing scam or malware has taken place.

Now, because you are aware of the whys of installing tracking software for computers in your workforce systems, let us have a look at the advantages provided by it:

  • Employees hard work doesn’t go unrecognized
  • Such software provides transparency of work and work ethics.
  • As a result, it provides lucrative benefits to employees when they deliver extra results to the company.
  • The organization can rationalize employees’ costs every day.
  • Such software is beneficial to channel organizational goals on a long-term basis.

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Best Computer Tracking Software in India 2024

DeskTrack System Monitoring Software


DeskTrack is the best Employee Computer Tracking Software for monitoring the activities of your employees. It provides you with the most comprehensive and customizable features. This includes URL tracking, file tracking, application usage tracking, and a lot more. The software generates detailed reports on the work insights of your employees with automated timesheets that automate time tracking. Best for in-office, on-site, and remote work, it’s more than just a computer activity tracker. Furthermore, you can also easily integrate with your preferred tool for added functionality. Overall, this software is your No.1 all-in-one employee tracking and productivity monitoring solution. 

Functionality Pros Cons
Automated time tracking Classifies productive & No keystroke logging
Idle time tracking unproductive time spent by employees available
Automated screenshots Determines work-time behavior OCR not available for keyword research
Detailed reports Generate employee performance report
Attendance management Determines internet usage behavior
App & URL tracking Zero micromanagement
Project Management Free trial available


Teramind is the Computer Tracking Software for Staff, which is best for mail tracking and employee monitoring. The software is capable of monitoring all incoming and outgoing emails. Plus, live chats, online meetings, and instant messages. Users may also be able to view user searches, clipboards, printing jobs, and portable devices. However, the software’s multiple functionalities, complex reports, and features can overwhelm many users. Overall, it’s a good software, but is not a good fit for small companies that prefer basic real-time monitoring and tracking features, which is a big drawback.

Functionality Pros Cons
Capture user activity Holistic tracking tools Complex monitoring features are complicated to implement
Screen recording Video recording
Real-time view of employees’ device Keystroke tracking
Mail Tracking Seamless deployment for cloud
Compliance & access control


ActivTrak is yet another comprehensive application for computer monitoring. The Computer Tracking Software for Employees. It’s good software for your remote and in-office staff. A cloud-based productivity tracking tool that collects and evaluates data, providing insightful details. This information aids medium-sized companies in becoming more productive, adaptable, and flexible. Furthermore, the safety of privacy and confidentiality is also imposed. However, a useful feature called keystore logging, which monitors keystrokes and logs timestamp data is absent from the software. Although, some users may find this feature intrusive.

Functionality Pros Cons
Seamless user interface Intuitive user interface No Keystroke logging available
Specialized functionality available for remote workers Easy installation Dashboard widget customization not available
Captures leading apps & websites used Insights from employee monitoring can be used to optimize employee coaching OCR not available for keyword research within screenshots
Analyze productivity per project level Free trial available


Controlio is another good solution for employee tracking and productivity monitoring. The Computer Tracking Software for Workers is a good cloud-based choice for tracking remote employees. Furthermore, you also get both web-based and on-premises tools, which support Windows and macOS operating systems. Plus, features including work and idle hour calculation are also very useful. However, the software lacks universal search functionality and the video capture feature also doesn’t have AI or OCR functionality. Plus, it’s only available for PCs and computer devices. So, if your work has high mobile use, then this one is not recommended.

Functionality Pros Cons
Screen recording Employee monitoring solution is scalable Video capture has no OCR function
Generates productivity report Tracks every aspect of employee’s productivity Universal search functionality not available
Detects passive employees on system
Keylogging with video recordings available

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Hubstaff is a diverse time and Employee Computer Tracking Software. The workforce management tool automates many aspects of successfully running a growing business. This software offers desktop, web, and smartphone applications for tracking project times and to-do lists with its comprehensive features. Plus, it also provides foolproof functionality to prevent auto-clicking. However, it’s too expensive for small companies and the Android app has bugs. Plus, another disadvantage is that the software crashes often and there are also synchronization issues, which is a big requirement if you have a remote team.

Functionality Pros Cons
Time tracking tool Productivity tracking for remote employees Advanced features for tracking are not available
Keystroke logging On-site & geolocation tracking Generated reports are basic
URL & application monitoring Scheduling shift for employees is easy
Location monitoring Free trial available


If you are looking for a tool with good data visualization, then this Computer Tracking Software for Employees is the one you want. The software provides you with a plethora of features and applications for tracking computer activities. Managers, executives, and team leaders can monitor all employee activities across websites, applications, social media, IMs, searches, and more. Plus, another good aspect is that it’s real-time. However, there is no cloud dashboard or mobile app. Furthermore, another drawback is the outdated server and it’s also not fit for remote teams, which is not a fit for the modern working environment.

Functionality Pros Cons
Holistic on-premise tracking Audio, video monitoring also covered Mobile app integration not available
Powerful data visualization Advanced webcam capture capability Lacks specifications for remote & distributed workforce
Advanced reports generated Cloud-based admin interface not available


VeriClock is a diverse and specific Computer Tracking Software for Workers, designed for remote teams. The software is more focused on time tracking and offers many features for the same. This includes geotagging, mileage tracking, and more. Digital signatures also allow for perfect communication between employees, managers, team leaders, and executives. Plus, it’s easily integrable with your accounting, payroll, and bookkeeping tools for added functionality. However, the user interface is not very good. Plus, it also lacks collaboration with project management tools, which is not a good aspect.

Functionality Pros Cons
Specifications available for remote employee monitoring Serves purpose from small to mid-sized businesses User interface is very basi
Clock in options via mobile, SMS, or phone available Available at a reasonable price Mobile app pushes certain functions to some browser window
Also suitable for geolocation monitoring

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DeskTime is a good Computer Tracking Software for Staff, which is a top recommendation for project management. It’s a time-tracking tool, which helps you and your team members view and manage your work time utilization. The software provides various features including check-in and checkout time logs. Plus, productivity analysis, shift scheduling, view attendance, work-life balance assist, and more. However, users cannot turn off the software, which is not good, especially, when your company culture allows taking short breaks. Plus, it also lags during application resource usage tracking, which is not good for smooth workflow.

Functionality Pros Cons
Calendar & invoicing feature available Employees can manage their private time Limited reporting features available
Project management Automatic time tracking available CSV reports cannot be generated
URL, application & document tracking available Free trial available Shift scheduling option not available

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Looking for Employee Computer Tracking Software for small businesses? Then this tool is a good recommendation. The application monitors the time your employees spend on various computer activities. Furthermore, you also get proof of work time utilization via timely screenshots. Plus, additional features include activity level tracking, application monitoring, and URL logging. These features ensure that you know your remote workers’ efficiency. However, users may find frequent inaccuracies in productive data and time tracking. However, if you can cope with this drawback, then it’s a fine application.

Functionality Pros Cons
Designed for small to Affordable solution Mobile app not available
medium-level businesses Employee friendly application Mail reports need more flexibility
Kanban board functionality available Designed to optimize remote & group productivity
On-premise installation option available
Cloud option available

best time tracking tools

Wrapping Up!

Till now, more or less we have built up a positive image regarding employee computer monitoring software. However, you should also learn about the real ground challenges when it comes to implementing it in your organization. Needless to say, such monitoring is going to impact your employees’ psychology regarding intruding their privacy at some level. Though the monitoring is entirely inclined towards their work, but it brings down employees’ morale to some extent and make them feel as if they are spied.

Therefore, it is always a right decision to discuss the purpose & real intend of implementing such software, in your organization.

Also, speaking about my personal experience, DeskTrack has served all the right purposes to my team & organization as a whole.

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