Best Remote Employee Monitoring Software For Work From Home

Remote employee monitoring software

The remote employee monitoring software can work in stealth mode or in a visible mode on your employee’s computer and laptop to track their system activity, such as files, URLs, applications, etc. These tools are used by both remote employees and office workers.

A Best remote employee monitoring software for working from home is needed to invest in any business. Still, it can be difficult to know which remote workforce monitoring software is the best one for you. Whether you’re looking for a way to keep your employees from wasting time on their computers or to protect company information from hacking and leaks, choosing the right work-from-home software is essential. here we can talk about one of the best remote workforce monitoring software. 

Why Use Remote Employee Monitoring Software?

The flexibility of remote work opens up a lot of possibilities for employers and employees. Employees and companies benefit from greater flexibility, low costs, improved work performance, and time savings. Most small or large businesses use remote work/work from home in some form.

But the question is, why use work from home monitoring software? It is human nature to lose productivity without proper reporting and monitoring, as you are aware. Many employers encounter this problem and find a solution.

There is a rise in employee monitoring software for work from home and office use. We can provide the proper reports for the remote workforce and monitor employee computer system activity to convert them into productive teams.

A few Things to Evaluating Remote Employee Monitoring Software:

Monitoring the productivity of remote employees isn’t easy, especially in these pandemic-laden days. That is why most business leaders get baffled while deciding whether it could be an utterly remote working or a hybrid model.

Sound like you? Then, you are in the right place.

This blog will not list out the verbose description related to how remote employee tracking software works.

Instead, we will show out the real-time scenario of remote work monitoring software—things that can easily resonate with your organization and your employees. In turn, it will lead you to bump into a higher bracket.

The bottom line is, that when you host a remote employee, there’s no way to tell how hard your employees are working unless you use software to record how much time they are spending at their computers and on which applications. In this way, working from home monitoring software can help you ensure that your employees are working at the highest possible level.

It’s that Astonishingly Simple.

A new approach to monitoring the staff has already led many professionals to feel insecure, uneasy, and paranoid while working. With the upheaval of the hybrid working model, managers are keeping a closer eye on the employee while working remotely. However, industry leaders are now tackling the new workplace issue with work from home monitoring software.

Challenges of Managing Remote Employees

We all know that COVID has disrupted a mellifluous economy. Therefore, it would be no surprise that more and more people will continue to work from home in 2022. However, business leaders are facing challenges while managing remote employees.

People are indeed experiencing the financial rewards of remote workplaces, including decreasing capital expenses. However, there are a few unknown factors that are hitting consistently. 

Considering all the elements, managing remote teams can be challenging. Let’s take a look at those challenges-

1. Attendance and Low Productivity Issues

Sometimes leaders complain about the low productivity of working remotely. Although, that is not correct. According to CoSo, 77% of employees are performing better than the in-house team. However, this is only possible when one chooses the right company and its consequent culture. For remote work, productivity matters the most.

As per an employee of a renowned IT company, “I manage to work longer hours irrespective of the distractions at home. After long hours of Skype/Zoom calls, I can rejuvenate myself, which is impossible while working from the office. This helps me to bring out the best in terms of productivity.” Not only one person, instead 95% of the employees are experiencing the same.

The way to recognize attendance and productivity issues is by adopting the Desktrack remote employee tracking software. It can monitor all the web traffic, followed by monitoring all the tit-bits of employees’ activity. You can also use this for regular attendance and time tracking.

DeskTrack work from home monitoring software will also track how often the employee is working at home. You can also check the idle time and any issue the employee is facing. Therefore, you can efficiently manage your team.

2. Weak Security Issues

If you are working on personal assets, you know how essential is to enhance the company’s security system. While your employees are working remotely, there are high chances of ransomware/spyware attacks on their respective systems. It can lead to potential insider threats.

You can say that an experienced IT team can mitigate these issues firsthand. It’s true. However, Desktrack can detect any anomalies, followed by forwarding the same to the IT department. This will help the employees concentrate on their work rather than manually asking the IT team to solve the problem.

3. Poor Workflow

Do you want to see your company at the pinnacle of success? Then, you make sure that your work gets done within time. However, how is it possible without clear communication and proper project management?

Many companies still rely on messaging applications, but if you start using the DeskTrack application, you can see the results with your own eyes. It will help your employees to maintain the workflow, which will improve the entire project management.

Also, you can monitor their workload balance. It will help the remote workers to understand they you care about their well-being and stress levels.


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What Do or Don’t: Using Remote Employee Monitoring Software?

It is imperative to use the best remote employee monitoring software in the right way even though it can bring many benefits to the company. You should keep in mind the following do’s and don’ts:

Do’s of Remote Employee Monitoring Tool

  • Prepare your remote team well in advance of the remote employee tracking software implementation. Explain how it will benefit them.
  • Make sure your employees understand the functions of the remote employee monitoring solution before implementing it. Once they have started using it, they won’t struggle with the app.
  • Analysis and discussion of the gathered employee tracking data should be done with your remote employees. Tell them to follow their performance and progress regularly and to look at their productivity reports.

Don’t of Remote Employee Monitoring System

  • Avoid being intrusive with your remote employees. This will make them feel uncomfortable and decrease their satisfaction with their work. Rather than meticulously analyzing each step, use the best remote employee monitoring software in India to understand how your remote team is doing.
  • Don’t demotivate your remote employee by discussing particular employee data with another person.

Is Remote Work Monitoring Software Worthy for Enterprise?

From the above discussion, it is evident that the best software to monitor remote employees can be conducive for you and the employees. Based on day-to-day activity, you can gauge what an individual is performing and how productive they are. Well, we know no one size fits all. However, the remote work monitoring software will help everyone maintain productivity, including leaving a transparent picture of the entire day’s work. Being a team leader, you also want the same. What could be better than Remote Desktop Monitoring Software?

Do You Know?

Stats show businesses can cut the 40% operational cost which is spent directly or indirectly over resources, by setting the hybrid & work from home teams, consequently from 40%, 10% needs to be spent on technology solutions like remote work tracking or employee time tracking software which in result save 30% of their operational cost & boost productivity by 40%. However, make sure you do not compromise on the employees’ conformity, including the quality of the work they do.

How Remote Employee Monitoring Software Can Improve Workflow Efficiency?

In today’s competitive workplace, companies need to find new and better ways of improving their employee workflow efficiency. Finding motivated employees is hard enough as it is, so you lose what productivity you have left when they’re working somewhere they don’t want to be. To improve your employee workflow efficiency, invest in the best employee monitoring software.

Ending Line

Woo, you are learning about the challenges while monitoring a team remotely. With the best remote employee tracking system, you can reach dizzying new heights. With DeskTrack’s best software for remote employee monitoring, you can manage the hybrid workplace effectively. An application that will help you manage attendance, performance analytics, improvement areas, etc. Start your free trial today.

The great thing about remote Employee Monitoring Software for Remote Teams is that it can be used for a variety of different purposes. Whether you are trying to track working hours, provide assistance, or ensure the safety of your employees, there’s a solution out there for you. Remote monitoring comes with a lot of hidden benefits—which is why it’s not going away anytime soon. With that being said, we think that this list has covered most of the major benefits which can be obtained from work from home monitoring software in India.

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