Workforce Monitoring Software- Analyse Every Detail of Workforce Productivity

Keep track of your workforce workflow easily regardless of the working environment with the best workforce monitoring software. you would manage & track the productivity of your teams with the remote workforce time & attendance software - DeskTrack (remote, in-house teams, and work from home) Enhance.

  • Workforce productivity by 40%
  • Workforce Visibility
  • Better workforce management
  • work quality & Transparency


100% Work Time Utilization with "Workforce
Productivity Software"

Ensure the Job is Done

Remote productive workforce & freelancers help organizations to grow smartly with top-notch quality. While the workforce works remotely only issues in work time utilization come but that can be solved with the help of a Workforce Monitoring Software System.

Are Office Teams Efficient?

The traditional way of working is when the productive workforce is 100% utilized & works efficiently but it is not so, they keep struggling with typical work habits like unplanned meetings or stuck to finishing the task, or being idle & unproductive. Bad work habits can be analyzed with workforce time & attendance tracking software, so they can work over skill gaps & bring focus.

Hybrid Teams Effective One’s

Adopting a hybrid workforce tracking was difficult issues like visibility, employee engagement, work status, etc. started emerging. To bring 100% visibility it is better to understand how workforce work time is utilized which further helps to analyze on team's efforts v/s outcome, goals & performance.

Why Business's Needs Workforce Analytics Software

Empower your business with DeskTrack’s efficient workforce analytics software to generate extreme results

India's best workforce analytics generates detailed reports that help businesses in analyzing the skill gaps in their workforce and take appropriate action to set the sail in the right direction. Businesses can get detailed reports with result-oriented parameters and graphic representations of the employees’ data to understand the working flow better.

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Assess, Measure & Optimize Time

  • Efficient use of time is the key for success get to the team work habits by analyzing where they spent most of their work time.
  • Evaluate where team is investing time are they highly skilled for tasks they are performing or simply learning, this helps to assign jobs according to skills& use time effectively.
  • Identify over & under utilized resources with workforce time tracking software for avoiding chances of employee burnout & delayed deliveries. Workforce automated timesheets help in equal distribution of work.

Classification for Workforce Engagement

  •  Classify websites & apps as per their functional nature to find workforce management on all day-to-day activities for workplace analytics software.
  • Activity classification to highlight distractions caused due to internet, unplanned meetings, multitasking, etc.
  • Get on to team's work habits from the activity engagement to set workplace policies for remote, hybrid, and office employees for comparing productivity insights.

Insights on Technology Investment

  • Detailed insights on workforce application & website usage to focus on what is used for the work by team & get avail them with right workforce tracking software.
  • O Optimize overall operational expenses by 40% & invest in the right remote workforce management software for a better workplace for remote & hybrid workforce.
  •  Streamline workflow by avoiding things manually, start the use of proper technology tools that can automate the work with 0 errors & perform proper workforce analysis software to find gaps for improvisation.

Productivity Trends from Worktime Utilization

  • Analyze team's work patterns to compute productivity at workplace, this also helps to derive team's success & areas of improvement.
  • Collect a list of programs used to check their involvement are working as per the functional role to bring productivity.
  • Work over skill gaps to stop struggling & improve work time to finish the task for utilizing 100% of the day.
  • Analyze activities performed during the day with time to identify distractions caused due to internet, unplanned meetings, multitasking.

OS & Devices Focus



















Remote Server

Remote Server

Terminal Server

Terminal Server

Unified Logins for the Transparent
Work View

Admin View

Workforce Work time analytics software for productivity trends & taking fact based decisions by accessing team's activity logs & timesheet.

Manager Level View

Team wise workforce analytical report for finding the gaps & helping individual to overcome, planning & designing workflow, performance evaluation.

User End Report View

Self assessment board to rate yourself at work. Workforce Activity analytics software to help where you spent the day, highlighting & eliminating bad work habits to improve efficiency.

Leverage the Capabilities of Advanced Technology

An Efficient & Focused Workforce

Advantages of Workforce Analytics
Software - DeskTrack

Avoid distractions to stay ultra-productive to make the most of your workforce’s time

Get the Timesheets

Automated & manual login/logout options for virtual attendance system which further integrate with biometric reports for 100% accurate
attendance & availability.

Measure the Utilization

Work time utilization to identify the highly occupied resource for avoiding the causes of employee burnout & do equal distribution of work.

Actionable Insights

Compute the team’s efforts in accordance to the app, file & URLs usage to finish a task and take action to obtain the expected outcomes.

Access to Teams

All the office & remote teams under one login to stay connected & updated with real-time work insights. Get on to the flexible work culture.

Quality Work

Make a friendly work culture, enjoy working remotely with the best teams across the globe, get highly productive & free mindsets for quality work.

Ready to take Full Control of Workplace?

"Best in Working Hour Tracker"

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Still, Waiting to Implement Desktrack’s Efficient?

Workforce Analytics to Enhance Productivity.

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