Business Process Outsourcing Made Efficient

With DeskTrack, processes such as BPO, staff leasing, and outsourcing just became more efficient. Know exactly when the project demands more human resources, and hire the right people for the project.

Forecast and schedule. Learn more
Find improvement areas. Cut costs. Learn more
Get more performance visibility. Learn more
Clarity and accuracy in billing. Learn more

Optimal BPO, More Productivity

At some times during our company operations, we may need to outsource our team. However, it is costlier than getting the project done by our staff. For an optimal BPO process, use data from DeskTrack. it’s accurate, automatic, simple, and user-friendly.

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Accurate Forecasting and BPO Scheduling

DeskTrack with its detailed activity logging lets you forecast when you need more human resources. Plan projects with insightful information. Our application helps you hire the right people for the job.

Accurate Forecasting and BPO Scheduling
Find Improvement Areas, Cut Costs

Find Improvement Areas, Cut Costs

You can always cut unnecessary expenses by finding areas of improvement and giving feedback based on DeskTrack’s accurate performance metrics. Get automatic billable hours and save unrequired costs.

Get More Performance Visibility

Get more visibility via monitoring outsourced staff performances. DeskTrack works the same, whether you are hiring leased staff or working in-house. Accurately track the time spent on projects and calculate productivity.

Get More Performance Visibility
Transparent BPO, Accurate Billing

Transparent BPO, Accurate Billing

The risk of under-billing and overbilling outsourced employees can result in big losses for your company. However, with DeskTrack’s exceptional features, it automatically and accurately calculates billable hours.



Managing Director at small business

Great tool to maintain a balance between office and work from home employees. We get a clearer picture of what has been worked upon and how efficient we are at work. Being a manager I can get a clear picture of what is going on in just a few seconds.

Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you need to know about the Desktrack.

Research and other web sources forecast that BPO is rapidly growing as an industry as well as a concept. The future for BPO is thus full of success.
  • In the future, more and more companies will be outsourcing a lot.
  • DeskTrack with its accurate performance metrics, helps you find out exactly when and how much employee leasing and outsourcing you need.

You need to consider many factors before you outsource an employee or team. However, these 3 are the most essential.
  • The cost involved
  • Top-quality talent
  • Infrastructure and IT support.
  • With DeskTrack’s performance data, you can easily calculate these factors and more.

You can eliminate under-billing or overbilling BPOs and save the risk of losses with DeskTrack’s automatic billable hours calculation. Furthermore, it provides many other features related to billing and invoicing.
  • Easy and automated calculation of working and idle hours.
  • Real-time updates on the worktime utilization of employees.
  • Integration with payroll application for added functionality.

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