A File Tracking System that’s Not Just A File Tracker

Tracks File Path of Workforce to Prevent Unproductivity

Make your file tracking more efficient with getting insights on time spent on different files and who is working on which files. Get more transparency with knowing the file location in terms of users and time spent on each file.

If there is concern on security, we can provide details on USB attachment, file working or unauthorized copying or sharing of files.

  • Helps to Find Lost Records
  • Improve Workflow Process
  • Increase Productivity and Efficiency
  • Improve Records Management

Keep Track of Files and Documents in an Organization with the File Tracking System

DeskTrack’s File Tracking System in Top 20 Tech Industries

Top 20 tech industries were facing challenges in knowing the real-time spent on different files by different users when multiple users had access to the same files. The collaborative nature of their projects often led to confusion regarding file access. Also, the companies were concerned about the potential security risks associated with unrestricted access to sensitive files. Seeking a solution, they turned to DeskTrack’s file tracking system.


The prominent challenges faced by the top tech companies before deploying DeskTrack’s file tracking software were:

  • Control and monitor access to critical documents.
  • Maintaining a secure environment for sensitive project files.
  • Unauthorized File Access and Lost Visibility into Actual Time Spent on Files.
  • Insights on the lost visibility into who is actually accessing the files and for how long.
  • Identify who is making what changes, who is the actual contributor and who is only spending unnecessary time.
file tracking system

Implementation of File Tracking Software in Tech Companies

DeskTrack's file tracking feature was seamlessly integrated into the existing workflow of top tech companies. The software allowed them to:

Identify Unproductive Activities

Identify Unproductive Activities

DeskTrack's file tracking system provided insights into how employees were interacting with project files. Analyzing the team's file usage patterns, Tech Companies identified unproductive activities and areas where workflow optimization was needed.

Role-specific File Access

Role-specific File Access

We allowed Tech Companies to implement role-specific file access controls. It granted access only to the files relevant to the job roles. This reduced the risk of data breaches and ensured that sensitive information was accessible only to authorized personnel.

Results of Deploying DeskTrack’s File Tracking System

Deploying DeskTrack in the tech company fulfilled the given common objectives.

Collaboration and Efficiency

Improved Collaboration and Efficiency

With DeskTrack's file tracking, Tech Companies experienced a significant improvement in collaboration. The team now had a clear view of the latest file versions, reducing errors and improving project workflows.

Enhanced Security Measures

Enhanced Security Measures

DeskTrack's role-specific file access controls enhanced data security at Tech Companies. Unauthorized access to critical files was minimized, and the company was better prepared to meet compliance requirements.

Quantifiable Productivity Gains

Quantifiable Productivity Gains

Tech Companies observed quantifiable gains in productivity. The identification and mitigation of unproductive activities resulted in more focused and efficient work, contributing to the overall success of their projects.

Document management software


DeskTrack emerged as a game-changer for Tech Companies, addressing their specific challenges related to file management. The software not only improved productivity by improving collaboration but also ensured the company's data security measures.

With DeskTrack, Tech Companies is now better equipped to navigate the demands of the competitive tech industry, setting new standards for efficiency and security in their projects.

DeskTrack is not just an ordinary file tracking software, it is a strategic asset that can help today’s workplaces fight unproductivity. DeskTrack provides a comprehensive solution for document management. It empowers organizations to optimize workflows, enhance collaboration, and ensure that every document is used for productivity.

A File Tracking Software that Identifies Actual Performers

How Does DeskTrack’s File Tracking Software Work?

Let’s see how differently DeskTrack works from other file tracking software.

Reporting & Analytics

DeskTrack provides insights into file usage. This enhances reporting and analytics features and analyzes file access patterns, and user behavior for optimizing document management strategies. This helps to know the actual performance of every team member in the workplace.

Real-Time Tracking

Know the real time your team members work on a particular document, and get details on file access and modifications made. It enhances transparency and accountability in the workplace and ensures data on their timesheets matches actual file access duration.

Notification and Alerts

Our file tracker helps you stay informed about the team’s file access and activity. We provide timely notifications and alerts, ensuring that you are informed about the relevant document activities, approvals, and changes. With regular updates you can identify the actual performers.

Access Controlling

DeskTrack helps you restrict file access based on user roles, creating a secure environment. We help you implement role-based access controls that restrict file access to authorized users only to minimize risks of data breaches and unauthorized usage.

Track Time on Docs with
Document Tracker


Our file tracking system software lets you know which tasks are your team members performing without disturbing them every other day. Track the time spent by the designers on different projects when using applications like Illustrator, Graphic Suites, Photoshop, and Sketch.

Content Creator

While working with multiple projects and using the same tools and applications, an online document tracking system helps you know how much time you've spent on each project. Also, tracking billable hours of freelance writers becomes easy with DeskTrack’s file tracking system.


With file tracking software, you can see in real-time who is working on which part of the file and how much time has been spent on each application & file opened. It improves productivity by tracking time spent on apps like SketchUp, photoshop, MagicPlan, etc.


While working on different cases, you need an advanced file tracking software that can help you identify the actual working hours for every client so that billing is accurate and dispute-free. Also, you can generate accurate payroll by identifying the actual working hours of every person.


With document management system, know the work pattern of your IT team, tasks your employees are working on, and for how long. The software will read document titles, files, applications, etc., and it keeps a record of every activity done on them.

Sales & Marketing

Sales & marketing teams work with many clients at once, so it's essential to monitor working hours spent on tasks for a particular customer. The file tracker is specifically useful for multitaskers who manage multiple projects up to the end of the day.

DeskTrack’s File Tracking:Identify Real Project Delayers

DeskTrack’s File Tracking Features vs Other File Tracking Features

Want to know why we call DeskTrack different from other file tracking systems? Here is the reason.

What Do Other File Tracking Software Deliver?

Access Control

DeskTrack sets file access permissions based on roles or user groups. It ensures that sensitive information is accessible only to authorized personnel and prevents data leakages.


DeskTrack improves your document tracking processes, minimizes manual effort, and saves your team valuable time. We also help you to cut down on unnecessary administrative costs associated with traditional paper-based systems.

Audit Trails and Accountability

We help you maintain your team’s logs of document activities, and create an audit trail for accountability and transparency within your organization.

File transferring
file tracking system

What Does DeskTrack Offer?

Document Retrieval

A usual file tracking system simplifies the process of finding specific files. With them, one can easily search for files based on different criteria like file name, date, or user. File trackers make it easy for teams to easily locate and retrieve files when needed.

Mobile Accessibility

With the rise of remote work, file tracking software have enabled employees to access files from anywhere with an internet connection. This flexibility is especially valuable in today's evolving work environments such as remote and hybrid work modes.

APIs for Integration

File Tracking Software have Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) that facilitate integration with other business applications. This allows organizations to build an integrated ecosystem of tools.

A File Tracking Software to Identify the Accurate File Paths







Ready to Take Full Control of Workplace?

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Get More with DeskTrack

 Work hour utilizationWork Hour Utilization

File TrackingFile Tracking

 Application MonitoringApplication Monitoring

Document Title TrackingDocument Title Tracking

Data SecurityData Security

Login & LogoutLogin & Logout

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Online File Tracking System

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File Tracking System


Answers to commonly asked questions.

How can File Tracking System Help your Business?

  • Avoid time wasted looking for lost files
  • Terminate the chance of losing significant customer data
  • Controls unauthorized parties from accessing and viewing files
  • Reduce risk and lower costs by managing records with retention policies
  • Boost productivity for the processing, storage, and recovery of files and documents

Why is File Monitoring Important?

Effortlessly monitor and track all file activities performed by employees, such as copying, editing, deleting, uploading, pasting, and printing your confidential data or documents. Document management system has accessible insight into the activity and real-time reports of suspicious activities and blocks access to selective files and documents as per the roles and responsibilities of employees.

Features a Document Tracking System Should Have

Before implementing a file tracking system that you can operate in your organization, make sure you check if that is equipped with the below-mentioned features:

  •     Centralized Storage
  •     Privacy and Security
  •     Streamlined and Collaborative
  •     Backups and Recovery
  •     Mobile Access
  •     Advanced Search

The DeskTrack document tracking system has all these features and can be the best fit for your organization.
